How to use Google like a Pro

Google is not a company, nor a search engine, but it has become a verb which means action, how many times do we say that to Google something.

 If you say someone to Google it instead of search, even then they will understand the meaning, so isn't Google a verb now. But even then many people won't use Google in a good professional way by which they won't get such results which are useful to them until this blog ends, you will get many questions in your mind that, oh I was using this software for that work but it's on Google itself.

In today's blogs, we are talking about Google Search Operators by using that you can get good search results from Google in a professional way. For average people with their average eyes, they can't see any special option in Google Search what else is there, there's a text box and a button but this is for normal users.

Talented SEO people like you can squeeze Google with Google Search Operators come let's see search operators and their uses with the examples.

Quotation Mark

Very first, quotation marks when you type anything on Google search box, then many time Google will find the meaning of your search phrase will try to give you the best search results but many times you have to search for that exact word or word's in such situation, search your search term within quotation marks then Google will show you the results searching for that particular word.

OR Operator

The second operator is OR supposes you have to search about the Batteries Brand one brand is Exide and the other is Amaron now either you can search about Exide and Amaron two different times even that will be away, or else you can use an OR operator Type Exide then or then Amaron in the search box now Google in the search results will show the pages related to Exide or Amaron.

Pipe (Purnaviram)

The third operator is pipe this symbol from Hindi's purnaviram, this is called as Pipe this does the same thing, that or operator does so you can use this instead of or you will get the same results.


Number 4 is bracket by using bracket you can do a grouping of search operators, for example, we will continue the or example consider you have to search the review of Exide or Amaron battery so you can search it something like this first you will write Exide or Amaron inside the bracket after that space, battery review So Google will process the content of the bracket there are two keywords here and you have put or in between these two keywords, Google will process that and then will use the contents outside the bracket.


After that the fifth operator is minus. Minus is used to refining any search if you don't want to see a specific word in the search then you can use minus operator considers your search for Exide Batteries, now in the top results in search this page is coming, the largest word is used here now in our search term we will add minus largest and then search again now see this page disappears you won't see any pages which contain the word largest.


Number six is asterisk this is very useful in research, type on Google once top 10 * mark in India and press enter button You will get the list of the top ten richest, crypto, and so on so what does asterisk do, it gives the wild-card to Google that keeps anything on my place I don't care so when you search top 10 * in India, Google searches top ten in India and this top ten can be anything because there is asterisk here.


Now it's the turn of range can show the search results between two numbers when we search for Noble prize winners then Google will show you the list of latest Noble prize winners, it's simple if you want the list of Noble price winners of 2015, so you can add that into this keyword 2015, then you will get the list of winners of 2015 but if you want the list of winners between 2015 and 2018 in such cases range is useful, here you have to type noble price winners 2015 add dot two times and then type 2018 and then Google will give you the list of Noble price winners from 2015 to 2018.


Eight operators are related, when you use sight you can check the index of any page In the same way, by searching related URLs, Google can show you similar websites in search results. You don't need to use different tools to check competitors, next time you can add related then colon URL, and Google will give you the list of those things which it considers as your website's competitor.


Ninth is define, we normally search what is the meaning of some word instead of that you can use define and colon and your word and Google will show you the meaning of that word if your word is not in English then Google will give you the translation of that word as well.


Number 10, the tenth is an amazing operator, intitle and it's brother all intitle if you want such websites which have some specific word or phrase in it then you have to search intitle then colon then your word then you will exactly get the same pages in your search results which contains your word Let's search it, you will get the list of all those things in search results page if you are using a phrase instead of a single word in intitle and Google is mixing up these words and is not giving you the exact search results which you need then either you can use first operator quotation marks or else you can use allintitle instead of intitle by which all the words in your search term will be visible in the title. So allintitel will give the same search results which intitle operator gives with a quotation mark.


Number eleven is inurl or allinurl this is also like intitle, but this doesn't search your search term in the title but in URL so if you want to search such pages where their URL contains your words then you can use these URLs.

It's very useful to search citation sources I'm just giving an example, mostly website which has a page for making citations that contain words like submit, submit location or submit business So you can search inurl: submit and you will get a list whose URL has submitted a word or you can search, allinurl: submit business, and you will get a list of such pages, which has submitted and business.


Twelfth is intext and allintext you might have understood its meaning also this can search for the texts in a web page just like intitle and inurl.

Same Line Content

The thirteenth is around this is a little tricky, we will again go to the battery example you have to search for Exide and Amaron but you don't need their name anywhere on the page you want that both Exide and Amaron come in a single line on the page content only such pages to be shown in search results, you might be choosy, maybe.

So you will search Exide then around then you will put six in brackets and you will type Amaron with space now Google in its search results will show only such pages whose texts have Amaron within 6 words after Exide Amaron can be immediately after Exide or after 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, words But if it's after 6 words then it won't be shown in search results.

Specific Term

After this is operator source, if you want to search for a specific term or word from a specific website then you can use the source, let's say you need the list of pages of Aryan Khan from if it's your wish, then you will search source: space then you will type Aryan Khan so in this way you will get the list of pages about Aryan Khan from ndtv.


And the fifteenth operator is location, if you want to see the news on a specific topic from a specific location then you can use location, let's say you need the news related to flood or landslide but from a specific city or state then you can search landslide then location ant then a colon and then you type Shimla, or any city you want to check and you will get all the news related to Shimla in search results.

So these were the fifteen search operators, by using which you can increase the quality of your research and can find good useful information as soon as possible either you are professional or a student. And if you feel this video is useful, then you already know what to do, thank you so much for watching this video my name is Amit Tiwari from and I will see you next time, take care.

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