You know there are some very long and in-depth blogs and articles that will hopefully help you get your blog to a certain level of traffic? I know mine. There are thousands that will help you a whole lot. Sometimes blogging is about finding ways to stand out from the rest of the chattering masses. And, in those sorts of cases, finding the right way to accomplish your business goals is important.
For a blog to be successful, there is a set of five stages you must follow in order to shine on the web:
1. Quality First
How you feel about the success of your blogging is a big deciding factor in getting enough attention. After being an editor for about eight years now, I can tell you that 99.8% of my articles end up being deleted by Google for a variety of reasons. No matter how good your writing, if you don’t like the product or if you have poor grammar or formatting skills, your blog could eventually get put on regular scrapping. Blogs don’t deserve a favor like spam does. Now, getting better at blogging is something I’m improving at with the help of a free online training course. Just visit this page.
2. Where Your Content Is Posted
Do you really care what someone else thinks of your writing? Sometimes it can be difficult to find the place on the internet where your content is being posted. Luckily, there are apps like PlatIt.
At the end of the day, you want your content on the websites you’re posting on, so keep going for those websites. I would say that 99% of your posts are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+. If you look at your posts on those apps, there might not be a Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Google.
3. Who Is Reading Your Content
The conundrum of publishing a blog is why anyone would do it at all. Another conundrum is why anyone will read your blog. The only way to get more time to write and edit a blog is to have an audience. In order to have an audience, you need to know where your content is being published. My love for the music industry has made me a huge fan of Pandora. I enjoy Pandora for its emphasis on music discovery. It helps me find amazing musical pieces that I might not have discovered otherwise.
My recommendation is to find and cultivate a blog that your readers will find you on as well. You can publish your own blog and place it on Blogspot, Medium, WordPress, or any other blog platform that will help your platform build.
4. Follow the PTC and PublisherGuard Platforms
Two of the most important things to follow when posting on your blog are the repost guidelines and platforms that your content is on. You may find your content put on YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, or several other different blogging platforms.
The most important thing is making sure that your content is being saved properly. Save your post in Posterous or wherever you’re putting it in. A service like MediaFire can help you out in a very big way. Follow the PTC and PublisherGuard platforms for publishing comments, safety, and other good stuff. My personal blog should have improved platform compliance with the PTC guidelines.

5. Follow the Guidelines and Guidelines Again
This is the most important point. For many users, the ideal content looks like the one written by someone who’s always using WordPress. This is important so that your content isn’t being removed. There are several steps you can follow to make sure your content will always be posted in the best possible way:
Check the guidelines so that your words and your code are consistent with the guidelines (most of the time). This can be done by consulting an online SEO specialist. Read their reviews of your content. There is a good amount of expert feedback about WordPress and other blogging platforms out there.
It’s important to remember that however good your content is, people will still click on things. Changing up your copy with code is not effective at avoiding spam. If you are concerned about copyright issues or putting something on other websites that have not been indexed by Google, you may want to consult an SEO specialist or Digital Marketer as well.
Thank You For Reading.❤
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